Enjoy the road trips in your recreational vehicle with RV insurance.
If you own a recreational vehicle (RV), you need insurance to ensure that you, your vehicle, and other drivers are protected while on the road. RV insurance helps cover repair, replacement, and medical expenses when you are involved in a covered accident. With a comprehensive RV policy, you can have peace of mind knowing that you and your family are protected whether you’re on the road, at a campsite, or on vacation.
What Does RV Insurance Cover?
RV insurance coverages depend on your specific policy and can include common coverages like liability, collision, and more. Common coverages include:
- Bodily injury coverage
- Collision coverage
- Property damage coverage
- Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
- Comprehensive coverage
- Medical coverage
These types of coverages help cover medical bills, repair costs, and replacement costs when you incur damages due to a covered incident. Depending on your needs, you may also choose to add optional coverages like roadside assistance, vacation liability, or other specialized coverages. An NSI insurance agent can help you explore your options to create a personalized policy that meets your needs.
What Types of Vehicles are Covered?
There are several types of vehicles that can be covered by RV insurance, including travel trailers, RVs, motorhomes, pop-up campers, and utility trailers. If you’re unsure whether or not your recreational vehicle qualifies for coverage, contact NSI insurance to learn more about your policy options.
RV Insurance FAQs
Still have questions? Here’s what you need to know about RV insurance in Florida:
How much does RV insurance cost?
The cost of RV insurance depends on several key factors, including:
- Vehicle type
- Vehicle age
- Vehicle condition
- Usage
- Personal driving and claims history
- Liability limits
- Deductibles
- And more
You may be eligible for policy discounts that can help you save on the cost of your policy. Talk to an NSI insurance agent to learn more about potential discounts and other ways to save.
Do you need insurance for travel trailers?
No, you are not required to insure a travel trailer that you do not drive. However, if you are financing the travel trailer, your lender may require you to carry insurance to prevent any damage to the trailer before it is paid off.
What coverages exist for RVs?
Beyond basic coverages like collision and liability coverage, RV owners may choose to add additional coverages to their policy to provide more comprehensive protection. Coverage options may include:
- Roadside assistance
- Total loss replacement
- Emergency expense coverage
- Safety glass replacement
- Vacation liability
Have questions about insuring your RV? Contact us, we’ll walk you through the coverage options for your recreational vehicle.
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